
Monday, November 7, 2011

Showing a semi Godly being via art.

(from MGMT's Kids video, which is awesome, by the way)

Ok, so maybe MGMT aren't exactly the greatest thing to start off with when I'm trying to some sort of God, but it's where this starts off so... yeah. deal with it.

At the end of the 'Kids' video a cartoon version of the singer picks up a frightened child as if to nurse it, but then merges into monsters and kills it, which is an interesting point when he starts off looking pretty much like a saviour of the scared, I mean, who wants to be known as the being that took in then killed some vunerable child? apparently MGMT like that as their image, but it's a very interesting grasp on child behaviours and a godly being.
Religion is something that confuses me to some extent, I like a slice of proof when I believe in something, and as lovely as religion may be, it's very changeable and strange, theres no definitive point that starts off, and nothing that can be proved, and therefore, as this gives me such an interest, I'm trying to paint, draw, photograph, sew, build (...etc) a semi Godly being.
MGMT's ending of the Kids video interests me on that part, I sort of want whatever I make to be so changeable and obsure, something that is different to everyone that comes across and views it, much like religion and religious imagery, I'm not so much a fan of stereotypical religious art, it's very difinitive and everything is very much the same, and it's a barrier I want to break down and explain, through art, that it's different to different people.
Cathedral Stairway, F. G. James (London) - 1954 (a photogram very difficult to obtain a digital image of), shows two people huddled on a step leading up to what is apparently a cathedral, though you only can see a large cross above them, I suppose in a way, F.G. James was looking for a way to show that religion is higher than people, yet together, people can converse and change the idea of the ongoing battle, what is better, God or man?
F. G. James & MGMT clearly had similar ideas here, how changeable religion can be, and how differently people can grow attached or away from it. F.G. James was moreso showing how we change our concepts of which is better whereas MGMT showed that God & Man must be similar, we both have goodness in us, but lets be fair, really, we're all angry and tired, to create the best visualisation of God, I must take both of these into account, but I first have to find a way how.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wen Wu

This is Wen Wu's "venus as a boy", a painting that, by all standards, is massive.
It seems to deal with alot of issues in itself, maybe moreso the concept of sexuality and identity, the idea that everyone can be this beautiful figure, an easily changeable figure, and fit it perfectly is something that isn't always explored that far in art, or at the very least, it wasn't.
I believe the flowers around the body shows alot about who you're supposed to be rather than the person you really are, but how we can completely break that, and stand in front of it with such a stance, it's fairly obvious that we just don't care, or at least, venus doesn't, which is a fairly anthony micallef sort of thing. Wen Wu and Anthony Micallef both look into what society finds acceptable, but who we are in comparison to that, which, as you may be able to tell, is something I'm interested in.
In all events, thats all i really have to say about 'Venus as a boy' but there may be more on her work, if I find a sudden new context to me. lets hope I do.
