
Monday, April 30, 2012


this is a scan in of my sketchbook, with a scan in of my personal maps and journeys book. I use my little notebook as a way to map all of the journeys I take, through my basic maps that actually have no relation to time, distance or actually where I go, it's made purely by closing my eyes and remembering the journey.

all of the little journeys I make and map out are then put into a large study of my journeys, I never do more than a week in a go, and they're not always beautiful looking, but it is indeed my life and all the journeys within it; as well as just looking at the journeys, i collect bus tickets, but tend to keep alot of them as a personal collection, but i do always intend to incorporate some into bits of art work.
Though this particular one is very plain, I really do love the way it looks, it's a true representation of myself, my journeys, my life and my mind, it incorporates my collections, my personal points of interest, and my idea of my life being too plain.

This is a scan in of a tea covered map with a photograph from my 35mm film on top, I think I'll make a few of them, and have a proper post about them


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